My 2.6 Challenge: Week One

This week, on Sunday 26th April, I started my 2.6 challenge, to raise vital funds and awareness of the Scoliosis Campaign Fund.
If you are not aware of the 2.6 challenge, basically it is an initiative launched by the organisers of the London Marathon to save the UK’s charities.
As part of this challenge, I’ll be running 2.6 miles, every day, for 26 consecutive days. This week so far, I have ran every day – in rain or shine!
Running every day isn’t easy for me, I find it painful especially for my calves. I usually have a day break in between running. However, I wanted to do something that would challenge me during lockdown and help me with fundraising, but also that was safe to do within the government exercise guidelines.
Since I started the challenge on Sunday, I have raised almost £100 for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund, so it’s definitely been worth it.
Plus, it gives me a reason to get out and a bit of motivation to carry on with running, as I was losing motivation a bit having nothing to aim for.
I’ve documented my runs each day below:

Today was the start of the challenge day, and my first 2.6 mile run! It was pretty hot and humid today, so it was a tough run but it felt good to get it done and to start fundraising again.
It had been weighing on my mind over the last few weeks, what I could do to keep my fundraising going during these difficult times, so it feels like a weight has been lifted.

I was proud of myself today, as I got my run done BEFORE work. I’m not usually one for running in the morning, as usually I can’t get out of bed! But it felt good and it put me in a really good mood for the rest of the day and woke me up before work.
Runners high is a real thing!

As I loved the feeling of getting the run done before work yesterday, I did it again this morning.
Although today it was raining. It felt quite refreshing though! It’s much cooler going early in the morning and there’s less people about which makes it less stressful and means I can run without stopping.

I went out even earlier this morning, before 7am. Then when I got back, I did some yoga before work. It felt really good and I love not having to worry about running or exercising in the evening, I can just chill. It was raining so I got a bit wet but it felt so nice and refreshing.

Today I had a bit of a rest. I do love going out before work but I was starting to get tired. So today, I went after work. There were definitely more people about but I managed to complete the run without stopping.

Today I did my run after work, and I have to say, it was a struggle. My legs felt heavy and I was tired from the week but, the important thing is – i got it done.

Today, I decided to do a slower, longer run. I have also signed up to Miles for Mind for the month of May, which is basically to run as many miles as you can in the month. I’ve opted to attempt 75 miles.
At the end of the month, you get a medal and it helps to raise awareness and money for Mind Charity, which I think is really important at the moment with everything going on.
Anyway i thought I’d do a longer run to try and get the miles up for this, incorporating my 2.6 miles. I managed to do 8 miles in the end, which I was pleased with 🙂
I planned a new route which took me down some lovely isolated country lanes and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. it’s nice to explore new places whilst running – I love it. Especially at the moment where I think we are all feeling a bit cabin fever-ish!
So, that’s one week down, 7 runs down – 19 to go!
I’d love it if you could sponsor me, every penny helps and is going to an amazing charity – the Scoliosis Campaign Fund.
Smaller charities such as these have really been hit hard by the COVID19 pandemic. They really do need all the help they can get, so that they can continue to run and provide their services to those who need it most.
You can follow me over on Instagram and Strava if you’d like to keep up with my progress. 🙂
Stay safe,
Louise X

I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.