Pretty Muddy!

I love a good challenge and continue to push myself following my scoliosis surgery. So, earlier this year, despite injuring my shoulder running last August, I decided to sign up to Pretty Muddy – a 5K muddy obstacle course – to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
I was a bit nervous and worried that I wouldn’t be flexible enough to do all of the obstacles, especially as I knew that some involved crawling under nets through the mud. However, I was determined to give it a good go and religiously followed the training plan on the Race for Life website for 12 weeks before the event.
It was a few weeks ago now, but I successfully completed the race AND, best of all, I managed to do ALL of the obstacles.
Yes, it was a fun run and most people weren’t taking it seriously (there were women of all abilities and fitness levels taking part) but I was extremely proud of myself, as I never thought I’d be able to do ANYTHING like this post scoliosis surgery.
These type of events have previously filled me with fear and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to do it just a few years ago!
Thankfully, I have noticed in the last couple of years that my flexibility has improved immensely, whether this is down to all the gym work I do or whether it’s because my surgery was 6 years ago now I’m not sure but I think it’s this improvement in flexibility that enabled me to complete this obstacle course.
It continues to amaze me what I can do with my fused spine and it just goes to show my scoliosis shouldn’t stop me from trying new things and pushing my limits. Not only did I raise hundreds of pounds for Cancer Research, I also achieved a new personal goal.
I’m not going to lie, my lower back was sore for a day or two afterwards, which was likely because of all the bending and stretching to get over and under obstacles, but luckily this was temporary and overall it was great fun!
I definitely would do it (or another mud run type event) again đŸ™‚
Louise X

I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.